Mountain Dew Council of Elders Exiles Non-Radical Teen

From their hidden sanctuary high atop Mount Dew, the Mountain Dew Council Of Elders formally passed judgment on area teen Brian Ruderman yesterday, unanimously ruling him “not radical” and sentencing him to eternal banishment from the Extreme Network.

“To you, Brian Ruderman, we have said in the past, Do the Dew,” Mountain Dew Highfather Snow-boardus the Totally Radical said as the final verdict was delivered. “But from this day forth say we it no longer, saying to ye instead, Brian Ruderman, go forth from this place, leave us, and Do the Dew no more.” ..continue..

My favorite ‘The Onion’ article, good to see their older stuff being put back on the site.

Potassium Chlorate and Gummy Bear

Molten potassium chlorate is a strong oxidizing agent that reacts violently with sugar. Gummy bears have lots of sugar in them.

poor gummy

World's Most Annoying Toy

I am so getting one of these for the office.

Wise Use of Credit Developing Financial Responsibility

I got to get me one of those learning machines.

Bubbles concert liqour and whores

Bubbles and Guns n Roses sing liquor and whores live Halifax NS nov. 20th

How not to become invincible.

Filipino Warrior Ritual to project oneself so he says.

‘We’re gonna definitely see some juice today”, indeed.

Worst Jeep Commercial Ever

Who didn’t see that coming. 😯

Perpetual Motion Found

Perpetual motion is reality.
This is legitimate scientific proof of working perpetual motion!

The decision is which cat should I try this on first.